
Enrolling at Marist Catholic School Herne Bay

Please feel free to make an appointment with the Principal, Sarah Gleeson (via office@maristschool.co.nz, or by phoning 09 3767173) for a walk through the school and to discuss enrolling your child.

Below are the different Criteria we have in state-integrated schools for enrolment.  Please read through these and work out which category you fit.  If you require some guidance with this please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Preference Criteria and required forms:

5.1 Preference Enrolment: The child has been baptised or is being prepared for baptism in the Catholic Church.

MCSHB PREFERENCE Pre-Enrolment Form.pdf – this form is for the school’s use

NZCBC Preference Certificate.pdf  – this form is to be signed by a parish priest

Copy of child’s Baptismal Certificate

CDA Attendance Dues Agreement.pdf signed and completed

Proof of Identity = Copy of birth certificate or passport

Latest Immunisation form

5.2 Preference Enrolment: The child’s parents/guardians have already allowed one or more of its siblings to be baptised in the Catholic faith.

MCSHB PREFERENCE Pre-Enrolment Form.pdf – this form is for the school’s use

NZCBC Preference Certificate.pdf  – this form is to be signed by a parish priest

CDA Attendance Dues Agreement.pdf signed and completed

Proof of Identity = Copy of birth certificate or passport

Latest Immunisation form

5.3 Preference Enrolment: At least one parent/guardian is a Catholic and although their child has not yet been baptised, the child’s participation in the life of the school could lead to the parents having the child baptised.

MCSHB PREFERENCE Pre-Enrolment Form.pdf – this form is for the school’s use

NZCBC Preference Certificate.pdf  – this form is to be signed by a parish priest

CDA Attendance Dues Agreement.pdf signed and completed

Proof of Identity = Copy of birth certificate or passport

Latest Immunisation form

5.5 Preference Enrolment: One or both of a child’s non-Catholic parents/guardians is preparing to become a Catholic.

MCSHB PREFERENCE Pre-Enrolment Form.pdf – this form is for the school’s use

NZCBC Preference Certificate.pdf  – this form is to be signed by a parish priest

CDA Attendance Dues Agreement.pdf signed and completed

Proof of Identity = Copy of birth certificate or passport

Latest Immunisation form

5.4 Preference Enrolment: With the agreement of the child’s parent/guardian, a significant familial adult undertakes to support the child’s formation in the faith and practices of the Catholic Church.  The significant familial adult is expected to be practising their faith in their own local parish.  They must be a grandparent, aunt, or uncle, who is actively involved in the child’s upbringing.

MCSHB PREFERENCE Pre-Enrolment Form.pdf – this form is for the school’s use

NZCBC Preference Certificate.pdf – Complete section 1 on pg.1 of the document and sign and date last section on pg.2.  Have a familial adult complete relevant section on pg. 2

Supporting Evidence Form for Criterion 5.4 Preference of Enrolment.pdf– Familial adult to complete this form and have it signed by their parish priest or agent of the Bishop.

Both NZCBC Preference Certificate and Supporting Evidence form must be emailed through to ces@cda.org.nz where the Bishop Appointed Committee will grant or decline the application.  Then if granted enrolment documentation can be sent through to the school by the parent/guardian for the enrolment process.

CDA Attendance Dues Agreement.pdf signed and completed

Proof of Identity = Copy of birth certificate or passport

Latest Immunisation form

Non-Preference Criteria and required forms:

If non of the preference criteria matches your circumstances you can enrol as non-preference.  A state-integrated school can only have 5% of their roll as non-preference so places are limited.

MCSHB NON-PREFERENCE Pre-Enrolment Form.pdf – this form is for the school’s use and is to be completed for all preference enrolments

CDA Attendance Dues Agreement.pdf signed and completed

Proof of Identity = Copy of birth certificate or passport

Latest Immunisation form

Please note that Attendance Dues are a compulsory payment under the terms of the Education and Training Act (2000), and is a condition of enrollment at Marist Catholic School, Herne Bay.

Helpful Links: